Wow, I have to say that I didn't know what I was getting into when I started this whole blogging business. I've been reading some of my friends sites and am blown away at the time and thought they have put into their writing. Please do not go on if you plan on getting anything like what I read on Amy's site about blessing and prosperity. You may be very disappointed. I can't pretend like I read all of her blog comments...believe me I wanted to, but my eyes kept crossing from all of the words. Plus, I don't have a computer at home so my time is limited here.
All of that to say, that I thought I'd write quickly what was going on with me this past week. Shawn and I were recovering from strep throat in the beginning of the week. Monday also brought Ashton's first basketball practice. Shawn also experienced his first experience coaching 5-6 year olds. It was very interesting to observe from the stands. I finally felt sorry enough for him and got off my rump and helped. I'm proud of him for doing something that is not so comfortable for him so Ashton could be more comfortable with his first team sport. I'm sure there will more blogs about their basketball happenings. Tuesday I got to play volleyball with our church team while Shawn recovered at home with the boys. It was great. Somehow we recruited this girl from Germany who played in the Olympics. I knew she was good Tuesday but didn't know she was in the Olympics until last night. It all made a lot more sense to me after learning that fact. She could jump serve and everything. I was no longer the "best girl" on the court which is one thing I like to be. But I also like to win and I like to play with good players. So I got to do those two things and it was a lot of fun! She even invited me to play sand volleyball with her and her friends when it gets warmer. The end of the week brought our church's Christmas play. It was Fri-Sun night. In fact it's going on right now. I'm in Shawn's office with Landon b/c he got booted out of the kid's room for being disobedient-gotta love it! I think he's just really worn out and ready to go home. I can't blame him; I do to.
Tomorrow brings the beginning of us preparing to go to Tennessee for Christmas. We've got to do all the fun stuff like get our car checked out, go through bills, laundry and pack. Oh and did I mention that I still have to do my shopping. Some where between now and Wednesday I've got to do that too. I'm excited though. There are some things that I can't mention in case the boys have suddenly learned to read that I've been waiting to get them. Okay, here's a hint...they've really enjoyed building things lately, so I will be searching for items they can do that with. We're not getting them anything big this year. It'll just get broken, lost, or they will loose interest in it in two days. I'm not going down that road again this year.
When we get back to Arkansas from Tennessee we're turning right around to Colorado for a ski trip with the teens! I am very excited to see the mountains and all of the snow. I miss snow I have to say. I want the boys to be able to play in it like I did as a kid, but I'm afraid they won't get many chances to do that here. Maybe I'll move somewhere colder...just kidding. I've never been skiing before and am pumped to do it. Shawn assures me he is a good teacher and that he'll have me going down the bigger slopes on the second day. I'm not so sure I'll even be able to get out of bed the second day, but we'll see. I think my legs...well no, my entire body will be in shock after skiing. I'll try to take pictures so I can share them when I get back. I'm actually not sure who is reading any of this besides Scott and Joyce. We'll see.
When I write my life down, it sounds so boring. I'm not bored though. I promise there's more to my life than a list of things to do, but right now with Landon repeating, "I want to go home, I want to go home" about a million times, I can't think of anything profound to share.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Jesus is the best gift I've ever been given. It was given to me by the best Father I've ever known. I am blessed!!